Yearbooks are on sale now for $50. See Ms. Martin in the library to order now before prices increase. For more information or to order visit School Code 10632.
almost 7 years ago, Trenton High School
There will be a mandatory Senior meeting on Wednesday February 28 at 12:15 in the auditorium.
almost 7 years ago, Trenton High School
Juniors and Seniors from THS participated in Florida Gateway College's CTE day in Lake City.
almost 7 years ago, Trenton High School
Trenton High School FFA will be holding their 3rd Annual Cake Walk on Feb. 23 at 6:30 in the auditorium.
almost 7 years ago, Trenton High School
FFA Cake Walk
On behalf of the Gilchrist County School District, we would like to congratulate this year’s THS valedictorian and salutatorian! THS Valedictorian: Trevor Noyes THS Salutatorian: Sarah Johnson Great job! You should be proud of this accomplishment.
almost 7 years ago, Gilchrist County School District
During Literacy week, students at Trenton High School participated in DEAR (Drop Everything and Read).
almost 7 years ago, Trenton High School
High School students participating in DEAR.
The THS Jr. BETA club is collecting dental supplies (toothbrushes, toothpaste and dental floss) for those in need. There is a donation box in the front office.
almost 7 years ago, Courtney Martin
9th grade students are attending a Teen Summit today at the Lake City Armory to learn leadership skills and build motivation. We're building tomorrow's leaders!
almost 7 years ago, Trenton High School
9th graders on the way to Teen Summit
Welcome to our new website and app! Be sure to sign up for notifications for THS.
almost 7 years ago, Trenton High School
School resumes for students on January 9. Happy New Year!
almost 7 years ago, Gilchrist County School District
Congratulations THS Golf Team for making it through Districts and going to Regionals!
about 7 years ago, Trenton High School
Remember that report cards for the first 9 week grading period will be going home on Thursday, October 26th. Please check your child's backpack, and contact teachers if you have any questions.
about 7 years ago, Trenton High School