Current 9th, 10th, and 11th graders will register for 2019-2010 courses on Monday, 4/15 (9th), Tuesday, 4/16 (10th), and Wednesday, 4/17 (11th) with Mrs. Leggett. Students will need their Skyward Usernames and Passwords to register.
almost 6 years ago, Bell High School
FSA ELA Writing Testing will be Wednesday, 4/3 (9th graders) and Thursday, 4/4 (10th graders).
almost 6 years ago, Bell High School
BHS High-School Registration Night will be on Monday, 4/8/19 at the BHS auditorium at 6:30. We encourage all parents/students to attend and receive important information.
almost 6 years ago, Bell High School
3rd 9-weeks report cards went home with students today.
almost 6 years ago, Bell High School
Summer Driver's Education will be 6/3/19-6/6/19. Sign-Ups will begin on Monday, 4/22/19 in the front office at BHS. To sign up, students MUST be 15 years old, have a Learner's Permit, and have transportation to and from Bell High School. Students will be chosen based on meeting qualifications and age (oldest to youngest).
almost 6 years ago, Bell High School
Blue Line ribbons are being sold at BHS for $1.00 each. All proceeds will be given to the families of the fallen Gilchrist County Sheriff's Deputies. Please see Deputy Davidson or one of the BHS Student Ambassadors to purchase.
almost 6 years ago, Bell High School
8th and 9th grade completed Take Stock in Children Mentoring & Scholarship Program Applications are due to guidance no later than Thursday, 3/7/19. Applications have been sent home with students, however, a blank copy is available in the Guidance Documents file.
almost 6 years ago, Bell High School
Come out and join us for the 8th Annual Running of the Bulldogs 5K on Saturday, 4/8/19. All proceeds will go to the Relay for Life to help fight cancer. Contact Lisa Hudson at 352-463-3232 or for information/registration.
almost 6 years ago, Bell High School
As a reminder, Grad Bash money is due no later than 3/15/19.
almost 6 years ago, Bell High School
2/25/19-3/1/19 is the last week to purchase prom tickets for $45.00. On 3/4/19, the price to purchase will increase to $55.00.
almost 6 years ago, Bell High School
Parents/Students, please refer to the "News" section of the BHS website regarding new policy in place in regards to vaping.
almost 6 years ago, Bell High School
Please encourage your student(s) to eat a healthy breakfast and lunch at school daily, and FREE of charge!
almost 6 years ago, Bell High School
Free Meals
Best of luck to the Boys Varsity Basketball team in the Regional playoffs in Wildwood tonight at 7:00!
almost 6 years ago, Bell High School
Gilchrist schools will be closed Monday, 2/18 in honor of Presidents Day and Tuesday, 2/19 for a Teacher Workday. We will see everyone Wednesday morning!
almost 6 years ago, Bell High School
Congratulations to Coach Mehl and the BHS Varsity Basketball team on their District Championship! Go Bulldogs!!!
almost 6 years ago, Bell High School
Bell High School students and staff raised $2500 for the Gilchrist County Education Foundation Walkathon. All funds go towards Senior and teacher scholarships. Thanks to everyone who came out Saturday in the rain to participate!
almost 6 years ago, Bell High School
BHS Middle-School students "linked" together to help raise money for the Gilchrist County Education Foundation Walk-A-Thon! Students purchased paper links to add to a chain, and 8th grade won with the most donations and the opportunity to watch their Language Arts teacher (Mr. Cannon) receive a "pie" in the face!
almost 6 years ago, Bell High School
Prom tickets are now on sale for $45.00. Please see Mrs. Karla Waldron to order.
almost 6 years ago, Bell High School
All Senior pages must be paid in full and completed by January 31, no exceptions. Please see Mrs. Janet Johnson ASAP to schedule a time to complete your page.
almost 6 years ago, Bell High School
Yearbooks are now on sale for $60.00. The last day to order a yearbook is 3/15/19. Extra yearbooks will not be ordered, so please place your order before the deadline. Contact Mrs. Janet Johnson at 352-463-3232 or to order.
almost 6 years ago, Bell High School