Current 9th, 10th, and 11th graders will register for 2019-2010 courses on Monday, 4/15 (9th), Tuesday, 4/16 (10th), and Wednesday, 4/17 (11th) with Mrs. Leggett. Students will need their Skyward Usernames and Passwords to register.
FSA ELA Writing Testing will be Wednesday, 4/3 (9th graders) and Thursday, 4/4 (10th graders).
BHS High-School Registration Night will be on Monday, 4/8/19 at the BHS auditorium at 6:30. We encourage all parents/students to attend and receive important information.
3rd 9-weeks report cards went home with students today.
Summer Driver's Education will be 6/3/19-6/6/19. Sign-Ups will begin on Monday, 4/22/19 in the front office at BHS. To sign up, students MUST be 15 years old, have a Learner's Permit, and have transportation to and from Bell High School. Students will be chosen based on meeting qualifications and age (oldest to youngest).
Blue Line ribbons are being sold at BHS for $1.00 each. All proceeds will be given to the families of the fallen Gilchrist County Sheriff's Deputies. Please see Deputy Davidson or one of the BHS Student Ambassadors to purchase.
8th and 9th grade completed Take Stock in Children Mentoring & Scholarship Program Applications are due to guidance no later than Thursday, 3/7/19. Applications have been sent home with students, however, a blank copy is available in the Guidance Documents file.
Come out and join us for the 8th Annual Running of the Bulldogs 5K on Saturday, 4/8/19. All proceeds will go to the Relay for Life to help fight cancer. Contact Lisa Hudson at 352-463-3232 or for information/registration.
As a reminder, Grad Bash money is due no later than 3/15/19.
2/25/19-3/1/19 is the last week to purchase prom tickets for $45.00. On 3/4/19, the price to purchase will increase to $55.00.
Parents/Students, please refer to the "News" section of the BHS website regarding new policy in place in regards to vaping.
Please encourage your student(s) to eat a healthy breakfast and lunch at school daily, and FREE of charge!
Best of luck to the Boys Varsity Basketball team in the Regional playoffs in Wildwood tonight at 7:00!
Gilchrist schools will be closed Monday, 2/18 in honor of Presidents Day and Tuesday, 2/19 for a Teacher Workday. We will see everyone Wednesday morning!
Congratulations to Coach Mehl and the BHS Varsity Basketball team on their District Championship! Go Bulldogs!!!
Bell High School students and staff raised $2500 for the Gilchrist County Education Foundation Walkathon. All funds go towards Senior and teacher scholarships. Thanks to everyone who came out Saturday in the rain to participate!
BHS Middle-School students "linked" together to help raise money for the Gilchrist County Education Foundation Walk-A-Thon! Students purchased paper links to add to a chain, and 8th grade won with the most donations and the opportunity to watch their Language Arts teacher (Mr. Cannon) receive a "pie" in the face!
Prom tickets are now on sale for $45.00. Please see Mrs. Karla Waldron to order.
All Senior pages must be paid in full and completed by January 31, no exceptions. Please see Mrs. Janet Johnson ASAP to schedule a time to complete your page.
Yearbooks are now on sale for $60.00. The last day to order a yearbook is 3/15/19. Extra yearbooks will not be ordered, so please place your order before the deadline. Contact Mrs. Janet Johnson at 352-463-3232 or to order.