Any Junior or senior interested in taking the SAT on Oct 30th, please sign-up in the front office. The anticipated cost is $8 (cost is $15 if you wish to take the Writing portion). Please bring your payment to Mrs.Prill (cash or checks payable to BHS with SAT in the memo).
Any students interested in Dual Enrollment for the Spring semester please sign-up for the PERT Test on Oct. 14th. Remember you must have over a 3.0 GPA along with qualifying test scores to be eligible for Dual Enrollment. The sign-up sheet is on the counter in the front office. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Langford in guidance.
This years Annual Dig Pink Event is tonight at 4:00 at the BHS gym and is in honor and support of two very special people who have always supported female athletes and the community as a whole, Jennifer Bohr White and Amy Scott Downing. We will be having a HUGE cake auction and all proceeds will go to Jennifer and Amy. Hope to see everyone tonight!
Seniors and parents, please follow the "Class of 2020 BHS" Facebook page for pictures and specific information related to Seniors.
The Criminal Justice Academy will host a car wash on Saturday, 10/5 in front of Bell High School from 8:00 AM-Noon. All donations go towards uniforms, activities, and state competitions. Please come out and support your local CJ Academy!
As a reminder, students are to be dropped off in the mornings behind the school at the "D." Students should not be dropped off at the front of the school. Thank you for helping us to enforce this policy.
Shout out to the BHS Hi-Q team and Miss Blakey for their win over Chiefland last night!
The College of Central Florida is hosting a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) Workshop on Wednesday, 10/2/19 from 2:00-6:00 PM. Space is limited-register at www.CF.EDU/FAFSAWORKSHOP. See flyer for required documents.
Some of our 8th grade students were awarded Friday for positive behavior as part of our Positive Behavior Support (PBS) system. PBS is our district-wide initiative which seeks to support and reinforce appropriate behavior in school and eliminate negative, problem behaviors.
Florida Gateway College will begin to accept the Board of Trustees (BOT) Scholarship applications for 2020 starting October 1! FGC is excited to award another group of amazing students this scholarship covering 12 credit hours per semester for 4 semesters. That is nearly $5,000 for 2 years of tuition at FGC! Students can visit the FGC website listed below for the FGC application, or can see Mrs. Langford (High-School Guidance Counselor) for a paper application.
Bell High School's Junior Class will be having a
Car Wash tomorrow, September 28 from 9am-12pm in front of Bell High School. Come out and support the Junior Class!
Ready for some Friday night lights! Go Bulldogs!
Mr. Surrency’s US Government Seniors sang the Preamble to the United States Constitution to the BHS staff and student body today. Celebrate Freedom!
Shout out to all the DADS who participated in the “Dads Take Your Child to School Day” initiative this morning! We at BHS appreciate your important investment into the well-being and education of our students/your children! Please see the “news” section of our webpage for more pics and information!
This years Annual Dig Pink Event will be next Thursday , October 3rd at Bell High School Gym. This year we are supporting two very special people who have always supported female athletes and the community as a whole, Jennifer Bohr White and Amy Scott Downing. Games will begin at 4:00. We will be having a HUGE cake auction and all proceeds will go to Jennifer and Amy. Please let Mrs. Lisa Barry know if you would like to donate a cake or bid on a cake.
DADS (Dedicated Achievement Demonstrates Success)-Take Your Child to School Day is 9/25/19. Contact BHS for more information.
The Criminal Justice Investigations class worked a simulated crime scene today by documenting and photographing the scene.
Thank you BHS Student Ambassadors and Yearbook Staff for organizing the Pillow, Blanket, Sleeping Bag, and Toy Drive to help those impacted by Hurricane Dorian!
Progress reports will be sent home with students today.
Today is an early release day for Gilchrist County students. Students will be released at 1:00 PM.