Senior News – October 2018
*We have space left for two senior pages. Please let Mrs. Johnson know if you would like to get a senior page. Payment plans can be worked out. A full page is $250 and a half page is $150. A $50 deposit is required to reserve your special page in the yearbook. All pages need to be paid in full and completed by February 1, 2019. Plan ahead and get your senior pictures taken in time to complete your page on time.
*Yearbooks are currently on sale for $50 each until December 21, 2018. The price will then increase to $60 each. The last day to order a yearbook is March 15, 2019. Extra yearbooks are not ordered, so please be sure to preorder yours before the deadline.
*Senior shirts and hoodies are now on sale. Please see Mrs. Hurst to place your order. Due date: 10/17/18
*Please be sure to join our BHS Class of 2019 Facebook page. This has been set up for timely communication on senior information. Parents and members of the Class of 2019 would benefit greatly from joining this group and keeping up with senior class information, senior events, deadlines and schedules.
*Senior class newsletters will be given to all seniors monthly. Please be sure to look for a current newsletter with lots of important information each month. These newsletters will also be posted to the class Facebook page (another good reason to join our group).
*The senior class is sponsoring a car wash Saturday, October 13, 2018, in front of BHS. All seniors who wish to participate in senior activities are expected to help with this event. Please see Mrs. Hurst or Mrs. Johnson for more information and details.
*The following prices are estimations for senior expenses and this list does not include all of the expenses that may be encountered during a student’s senior year. It all depends on the activities that the student will be participating in. This list is being provided to help you plan financially for this exciting year.
Yearbook $50 January 1st price increases to $60
Senior Page $150 half page/$250 full page
Powderpuff (Football) $25
Powderpuff (Volleyball) $25
Cap, Gown & Tassel $45 (required for all official graduation ceremonies)
Grad Bash $100
Prom $40 (seniors do not pay, this fee is for their date)
Senior Portraits $50 (minimum)
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Janet Johnson or Sue Hurst. We are here to help you in any way that we can.