Seniors – Class of 2021
October Newsletter
Please join the Bell High School Class of 2021 Facebook page to stay current on senior information and to ask questions or voice concerns. You may also view your seniors’ school email account, as information will be emailed directly to them, as well. This is the only time that we will mail a newsletter home.
Yearbooks are now on sale for $50. The price will increase to $60 January 2021. The last day to order is March 12, 2021.
Senior pages are on sale. A full page is $250 and a half page is $150. A $50 deposit is required to reserve your special page and the deadline has been extended to October 16, 2020. Your page must be paid in full by December 15, 2020.
Cap, gown and tassel are required for all formal graduation ceremonies. The estimated cost for these is $47. Herff Jones will be sending information about cap and gown purchases sometime in October.
The estimated cost for Grad Bash is $100. The tentative date is April 23, 2021. There will be a car wash February 13, 2021, weather permitting, to offset the cost of Grad Bash for those who work the car wash.
The estimated cost of senior shirts and hoodie is $50. This includes a short sleeved shirt, a long sleeved shirt and a hoodie.
Seniors are currently voting on their class song, flower, colors and motto. Please see Sue Hurst to vote.
Sign up with Mrs. Lynette Langford to complete your grad check. This is very important and should completed before the end of the first semester.
Senior cap & gown pictures will be taken at BHS December 14, 2020. This is the only date scheduled for cap & gown pictures at BHS. You may take a fun cap & gown picture on this date, along with your formal one. All props for fun cap & gown pictures need to be pre-approved by Mrs. Johnson.
Please bring in a throwback picture to Mrs. Johnson to be used in the Senior Throwback section of the yearbook. Your name needs to be on the back of the picture. Group pictures of your class are preferred, if you have pictures of you and your friends that were taken in elementary or middle school. The deadline for throwback pictures has been extended to October 16, 2020.
Please bring in a baby picture to be included in the Senior Babies section of the yearbook. Please make sure your name is on the back of the picture before turning it in to Mrs. Johnson. The deadline has been extended to October 16, 2020.
The following papers need to be returned to Mrs. Johnson by October 16, 2020: I Want To Thank, I Will Never Forget, Senior Bucket List, Most Embarrassing Moment. Please see Mrs. Johnson if you need these forms. Virtual students can send a request for these papers via email:
Homecoming is scheduled for October 23, 2020. We will be voting for Homecoming Court in early October.
Please turn in your Community Service Hour plan to Mrs. Lynette Langford and start working your community service hours.
When logging into Canvas, please be sure to go to the class taught by Mrs. Lynette Langford. Mrs. Langford needs for all seniors to log into the class WEEKLY to receive IMPORTANT senior information.
During the month of October, FASFA and Bright Futures will open up for seniors to create accounts. You may work on this from school or home. Please contact Mrs. Langford for more information.
Scholarship Searches: