As we continue CTE Month, we are sharing information about all of the great career and technical education programs that we offer. Featured here is the Applied Engineering Technology program that is offered at both THS and BHS. This program involves a sequence of three courses with an optional fourth course that all count as Honors credit. Students are able to learn about engineering concepts and principles and are given the opportunity to earn industry certifications and college credit. Students can be come certified as:
- AutoCAD Certified User
- AutoCAD Certified Professional
- Certified SolidWorks Associate
There are many opportunities for hands-on learning. Students engineer designs through computer-assisted design and 3D modeling software and then fabricate, weld, construct, and assemble their designs. Projects have included air cushioned vehicles, fat wheeled scooters, trebuchets, electric scooters, robots, 3D prosthetics, and more. We will begin recruiting for applicants soon, so stay tuned!